Want the WOW back in the bedroom?

In 2019 the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine carried out a study which found that Brits are having less sex than ever before, and they’re not actually all that happy about it. 50% of women and almost 2/3 of men would like to be having more sex, but due to busy schedules, exhaustion, and stress, it just wasn’t happening.

According to the NHS sexual arousal is good for your health. An energetic romp can burn as many calories and raise the heart rate as much as going for a run, but is infinitely more enjoyable. Sex and other forms of orgasm achieving behaviours act as stress busters, helping people feel as relaxed as if they’ve just meditated or done some exercise.

Oxytocin and other feel-good hormones released during sex reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and orgasms can help you sleep because your body produces prolactin as a response. Sex can also boost your immune system, and improve your self-esteem and self-worth. What’s not to like?

Frequency of sex isn’t the only indicator of health benefits; it’s the quality of our interactions that affects the outcome. The media bombards us with messages about sex and desire that are grossly exaggerated and many people find talking honestly and openly about sex or sexual issues embarrassing, so it can appear as though everyone has a wildly satisfying sex life. This lack of transparency means that almost no one knows that a staggering 40-80% of people report some degree of difficulty when it comes to sex, intimacy and or libido.

Having a low, or no sex drive can be an indicator of a variety of underlying physical health conditions including hormonal imbalances, heart disease, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. Finding sex painful or uncomfortable can signal that there might be issues such as vaginismus or phimosis which need to be assessed by a GP.

Trauma can affect the way we view ourselves and other people as sexual beings and can cause a lack of trust or flashbacks of past events which lead to people avoiding sexual contact with others. If you’re experiencing trauma, sexual dysfunction or shame, it’s important to seek out a sex-positive therapist.

Hypnotherapy can be particularly effective for overcoming past trauma and shame, allowing people to reclaim their confidence in their sexuality. Great sex and sexual confidence starts in the mind. Hypnotherapy is uniquely placed to assist people in overcoming old thought patterns, worries and beliefs including beliefs around pain and discomfort or erectile dysfunction. Rather than being caught up in your thoughts, hypnotherapy can help you be fully present in the moment.

Studies published conclude that hypnotherapy is a promising tool for sexual dysfunction and that “[hypnotherapy for sexual problems] gives patients a new inner awareness enabling them to manage their sexuality from within, naturally and without excessive effort, with greater choice and freedom than before.”

If you’ve been struggling with sexual issues, life can be better. The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) has a register of qualified and insured therapists from across the UK. For sensitive and supportive assistance, use the therapy finder to find a therapist who can help you.


Sexual Freedom Hypnosis founder Kaz Riley is speaking at the 2021 NCH Conference on ‘Working with female sexuality in 2021, it’s time for things to change!’ The study of female sexuality and the understanding of female sexual function is a relatively new science. This talk will outline the latest research and how that applies to the therapeutic setting. Many therapists shy away from sexual issues, but with 80% of women currently classified as having a sexual dysfunction, even if you don’t work with sexual issues directly you will be working with clients that have sexual issues, those issues will impact on every area of their lives. This talk will highlight why we need to educate ourselves and our clients and how to do that.

To book your ticket to the conference click here




Photo by cottonbro from Pexels