Smoking bans spread – now is the time to stop

Since the United Kingdom became smoke free eight years ago, it has become hard to imagine someone lighting up a cigarette in bar. But, while the UK has some of the toughest smoking laws and penalties in the world, there are holiday destinations with differing laws.smoking

According to the BBC, Spain has a total ban but there are exceptions for smoking clubs while smoking is also banned in playgrounds and outdoor areas of healthcare and educational facilities. In Germany, small pubs allow smoking at the bar in many areas but the law is managed on a local level.

Outside of Europe, if you’re going that far for your summer, all Australian states and territories have banned smoking in vehicles with children and bans extend to enclosed public places and restaurants. Many local councils also enforce bans on beaches and sports grounds with big fines for rule breakers.

In the United States, smoking laws vary and are often imposed at a local government level rather than state. So things can change from town to town.
A rough rule of thumb is that the south has a more lenient approach to smoking.

Back in the UK, things are not getting easier for smokers. Another BBC report states that health campaigners feel a levy on the tobacco industry is needed to help fund anti-smoking measures. The report adds that the Department of Health says it will consider the report, but tobacco companies say it is not backed up by evidence.

And, in Wales, people will be banned from using e-cigarettes in enclosed places like restaurants, pubs and at work under a new public health law.

While this has already divided health and medical groups, including some anti-smoking campaigners, ministers believe the controversial move – a UK first – is a ‘balance of risk’ and will stop children smoking.
Giving up the smoking habit is not easy – many smokers can attest to that, having tried nicotine patches and other methods.

But one way to quit the habit with a high success rate is hypnotherapy. The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) has 1800 qualified and experienced therapists on its directory and many of them work at smoking cessation with their clients.

The number of sessions needed will vary but it may only be a one session treatment as smoking is a habit that you can give up for good, so the therapist may use what is known as aversion techniques which will put you off having another cigarette.

Research shows that, by quitting smoking with hypnosis, a person is three times more likely to give up than if they used nicotine patches.

If you’re still addicted and might run into trouble on your summer holiday or if you simply just want a healthier lifestyle, it is not too late. Contact a hypnotherapist dear you by using the NCH directory. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.