War against smoking intensifies

With UK campaigners having already scored victories with the original smoking ban and then a ban on smoking in cars with children followed by standardised packaging for cigarettes, smoking is becoming more and more anti social.outdoorsmoking

This week, Royal Society for Public Health said smoking should be seen as ‘abnormal’ and more controls were needed to cover areas where people gather. The BBC said the Society wanted the public smoking ban extended to beer gardens, al fresco eating areas of restaurants, parks, and outside school gates.

The Society stated that the 2007 smoking ban inside public places had been a huge success and had encouraged thousands to quit. Its new report called for the ban ‘to be extended further to include school gates, the outside areas of bars and restaurants and all public parks and squares’.
But the pro-smoking campaign group Forest said the measures would not work and may lead to pubs closing.

But from whichever way the smoking situation is viewed, smoking is a habit which is being increasingly seen as been anti-social behaviour and the call not to use cigarettes is intensifying.

The Royal Society report suggests that people needing a fix of nicotine should use e-cigarettes.

But the potential dangers of e-cigarettes have not yet been proven and, some say, vaping with e-cigarettes could be worse than smoking g cigarettes.

Over recent years there have been many drives to help people quit smoking and these have ranged from nicotine patches and chewing gum to e-cigarettes – all of which (except e-cigarettes) have had limited success.

Statistics show that the hypnotherapy has a very high success rate in helping people quit the smoking habit – and this can be achieved in just one session with a highly trained therapist from the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH).

With around 2000 qualified and experienced therapists across the UK on its directory, the NCH is ideally placed to help people quit the habit and no longer be social outcasts.

Because the hypnotherapist works directly with the subconscious, bypassing the critical mind to get to the root of the issue, changes to the smoking habit can be made quickly and efficiently.

Smoking is a habit that can be given up for good, so the therapist may use what is known as aversion techniques which will put the smoker off ever having another cigarette.

It is worth remembering that what you, as a smoker, do can effect your children.

Shirley Cramer, the Royal Society for Public Health’s chief executive, said: “Children are hugely receptive to the behaviour of the adults around them. The sight of individuals smoking at prominent locations risks teaching them that smoking is a normal and safe habit.”

So, if you want to quit smoking now, contact an NCH therapist near you by using the NCH directory. It is that easy and your unwanted habit could be gone after just one session.