Combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with hypnotherapy

Most of us, in our day-to-day lives, will encounter a situation which causes anxiety or stress and we cope with it. But a severely traumatic event can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which can change our outlook on life and requires treatment.ptsd cops

Recently the BBC acquired data which showed that the number of police members on long-term sick leave rose from 19,825 in 2010-11 to 22,547 in 2014-15. This leave was for psychological reasons and showed a 35% increase over the last five years.

Police Federation member Che Donald said there had been ‘unprecedented cuts to police officer numbers’ while demand on forces had not decreased. He added that increased sickness – including for psychological reasons – was not surprising.

He said officers often worked in ‘highly stressful fast-moving environments’ and were exposed to ‘horrific situations’.

Policing minister Mike Penning told the BBC: “Policing, by its very nature, is a stressful and demanding job and it is the responsibility of chief officers – with help from the College of Policing – to ensure that police officers and staff are supported in their work.”

He said the government allocated £10m in 2014 to help emergency services staff through ‘mental health, physical recuperation and bereavement support’.

The NHS says someone with PTSD often relives the traumatic event through nightmares and flashbacks, and may experience feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt among others.

They may also have problems sleeping and these symptoms are often severe and persistent enough to have a significant impact on the person’s day-to-day life.

Treating a person with PTSD can be successful if clinical hypnotherapy is used and the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) is the UK’s largest professional hypnotherapist-run organisation with more than 1,800 highly-trained and experienced therapists on its register.

Hypnotherapy is primarily a method for accessing and treating the subconscious mind and it is, therefore, perfect for PTSD and countless other issues that originate in some type of trigger or locked away memory.

The subconscious mind is a huge sensory vehicle consisting of the ability to experience the world through our senses while the conscious deals with rational thinking, analysis and judgement.

Clinical hypnotherapy then will deal with the symptoms as well as the underlying causes. Statistics show that up to four in five people with PTSD also have other mental health problems – like depression, persistent anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and drug or alcohol abuse.

A hypnotherapist will help the PTSD sufferer gain a sense of control over their fear and, by focusing on realistic thoughts, they can then avoid falling back into negative thinking patterns whenever they encounter a trigger.

For help in coping with PTSD, use the NCH directory, by clicking here, to locate a therapist near you.