Exam stress and bullying among suicide reasons for young people

helpExam pressures, bullying and physical health problems are major contributory factors in the suicides of young people, according to research.

Experts at the University of Manchester also found bullying and family bereavement were linked to suicides. They investigated the suicides of 130 people under 20 in England between January 2014 and April 2015, the BBC reported.

And in February, figures published by the Office for National Statistics revealed an increase in youth suicides. There were 201 people aged between 10 and 19 who killed themselves in 2014 in the UK – up from 179 in 2013.

It comes as separate Office for National Statistics figures, published this week, suggested student suicides have reached their highest level since at least 2007.

Suicide is the biggest killer of people under the age of 35 in the UK.

However, the research – by the University of Manchester’s National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness – is the first time experts have studied the contributory factors on this scale.

Their findings showed that 29% were facing exams or exam results (four died on an exam day or the day after); 36% had a physical health condition such as acne or asthma; 28% had been bereaved; and 22% had been bullied, mostly face to face.

The study also found that 23% had used the internet in relation to suicide – including searching for methods or posting suicidal thoughts.

Dealing with anxiety and stress, which in severe instances could lead to suicidal thoughts, is one of a clinical hypnotherapist’s strong points as they work with the mind to help people overcome these feelings.

The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) has therapists across the country with the level of training and expertise required to deal with such situations.

The NCH says modern society places great demands and responsibilities on us.

“Today, about one in seven people are suffering from stress or anxiety at any one time in the UK. And while some people manage, more and more people are showing signs of over-anxiety, which leads to stress, which can make a significant impact on the quality of life and wellbeing,” the council said.

The NCH says people who want to explore ways of freeing themselves from anxiety and would like to live a fulfilled and happy life, being free to do things that bring joy, would benefit from sessions with a therapist.

Dealing with problems like bullying, physical changes like acne and puberty, and exam stress can be more difficult for some young people and this heightened anxiety is often reflected through inner tension, agitation, a fear of losing control or an irrational dread that something catastrophic is going to happen (such as blackout, seizure, heart attack or death).

Irritability and feelings of detachment can also result, along with physical signs like nausea, tremors, panic attacks and insomnia.

All of these can take their toll and can lead to a person feeling as if they are on high alert as well, unable to calm down or relax, with a racing mind making them unable to focus or quieten down.

But a hypnotherapist can help by working with the subconscious mind to get to the root of the problem and, working alongside the anxiety sufferer, bring about change in the situation – whether it is from a physical issue, some personal situation, or a past experience or relationship.

A cry for help must not be ignored and if you are suffering from heightened anxiety and feeling unable to cope, or know someone who is, make contact with a qualified hypnotherapist nearby by clicking here to access the NCH directory.