The sweet sound of relief for tinnitus sufferers

Have you heard a ringing, buzzing or humming sound that is only happening inside your ear?  The sound may be in one or both ears, low or high pitch, loud or soft, continuous or intermittent. Tinnitus affects approximately 10% of the population, that’s almost 6 million people in the UK. It’s rarely a sign of serious underlying disease, however approximately 1 in 100 people are very distressed or disabled by it and as many as 1 in 20 people are at least moderately distressed by it.

When tinnitus continues for a long period of time it can become distressing, with many people affected reporting emotional stress, trouble sleeping and difficulty concentrating.  The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) says children who develop tinnitus may not complain of ringing or abnormal sounds in the ears, but just seem anxious, sleep-deprived and unusually sensitive to loud noise or silence.

Studies published recently have indicated that mindfulness and hypnotherapy are particularly effective in reducing the experience of tinnitus with 73% of the study group who used hypnosis succeeded in reducing the noise.

“As we naturally tune out sounds, so people can learn to use that ability where needed. They can also learn to manipulate that sound so they can change its pitch, for instance, and thus tone it down,” says the National Council for Hypnotherapy.

Through hypnotherapy, you can learn to train your mind to focus on something else so the tinnitus becomes nothing more than a background noise.  As with any medical condition which impacts upon your life, negative feelings and emotions become linked to the condition and hypnotherapy can help to remove the emotional link to the problem. 

Working with a trained hypnotherapist you will also tackle the other aspects of living with tinnitus, such as insomnia, anxiety or stress. There is no one approach which works for everyone, so your hypnotherapist will tailor a treatment plan that’s specific to you. 

Take a step towards peace and quiet, contact a qualified clinical hypnotherapist near you today.