Deal with depression through hypnotherapy

The celebrity death of world famous comedian and actor Robin Williams has brought depression and those who suffer from it sharply into focus once again. robin-williams7878

A BBC report stated that Marin County Sheriff’s Lt Keith Boyd had said that Williams, 63, had been treated for depression and killed himself by hanging. The entertainer was last seen alive by his wife on Sunday evening, and was found dead at about noon on Monday, August 11.

Depression is very common in the UK and worldwide with between 5 and 10 per cent of the population suffering from the illness to some extent at any one time.
It is estimated that everyone has a one in five chance of having an episode of depression and women are twice as likely to get depression as men.

According to the NHS, depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms. They range from lasting feelings of sadness and hopelessness to losing interest in the things which were enjoyable. Many people with depression also have symptoms of anxiety. depressed-woman-400x400

If you feel depressed and visit your GP, he might recommend that you take a course of antidepressants plus undergo talking therapy, particularly if your depression is quite severe.

The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), which represents over 1,800 qualified and registered therapists, is well placed to help people deal with depression and anxiety.

Time spent in hypnosis with a professional therapist has been proven to help conquer depression. Therapists look at people as a whole, rather than just treating symptoms.
Hypnotherapy for depression works with both the conscious and the subconscious mind in order to achieve the desired results.

Depression affects how the person feels, behaves and thinks. Hypnotherapy may help identify the causes and origins of the depression. Once this occurs people often describe it as a ‘light going on’.

And, contrary to many beliefs, the client does not ‘lose control’ under hypnosis.
Hypnosis is not always a trance state or a sleep state even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. It is a natural state of mind and as our minds wander whether daydreaming or focused on driving a familiar route, we are in a state of hypnosis.

When going to a therapist for treatment, he or she will take a detailed history and with some conditions may request permission from you to write to their doctor, to let them know you are having hypnotherapy.

The therapist will then discuss you goal and what you would like to see or feel at the end of your sessions. Using a range of different techniques your hypnotherapist will relax you, make you feel comfortable and work with you towards achieving your goal. After a session you may feel uplifted, lighter and very relaxed. Often change is very subtle, as your hypnotherapist will be working with you subconscious mind, and you may just notice a very positive shift in how you are feeling.

If you feel you need to see a hypnotherapist, use the NCH’s directory by clicking here and start looking forward to a better lifestyle.