⭐ 12 July, 2024 – Supporting Clients with Addiction – Basic Drug Awareness for Therapists

CPD Event title: Supporting Clients with Addiction – Basic Drug Awareness for Therapists

Brief Description Of Event: This workshop offers a unique opportunity for hypnotherapists. Empower your practice. Understand addiction. Transform lives. Empower your practice with the knowledge and skills to better support clients

Learning Objectives:

Dive into the complexities of drug addiction and its profound effects on the brain in our comprehensive workshop. Designed specifically for therapists, this all-day Zoom event, hosted by New Horizon Training and led by Adrian Davies of Tower Counselling, equips you with the crucial knowledge and skills to enhance your therapeutic approach.

Learn to identify the signs of drug use, understand the psychological and physiological impacts of addiction, and effectively support your clients through their recovery journey. Gain access to valuable resources, including a detailed drug booklet, and join a community of professionals committed to making a difference.

Join us for a day of impactful learning, professional growth, and community building. Empower your practice with the knowledge and skills to better support your clients on their journey to recovery.

This unique Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunity is tailored for the wider therapy community, including Solution Focised Hypnotherapist Practitioners, Counsellors, and Therapists. Our all-day Zoom workshop promises to be an enlightening experience, offering deep insights into the nature of drug addiction and its impact on the brain and behaviour.

Why Attend?

  • Expert Knowledge: Led by Adrian Davies, a renowned figure in counselling, gain invaluable insights into the complex world of drug addiction.
  • Practical Learning: See real examples of drugs, how they are prepared, and learn the cues to look out for in your clients.
  • Resourceful Material: Receive a comprehensive drug booklet exclusive to this workshop, enhancing your understanding and approach to drug-related issues in therapy.
  • Professional Development: By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a deeper understanding of drug classifications, the effects on the brain, and how to use this knowledge to improve your therapeutic relationships.
  • Networking Opportunity: Connect with like-minded professionals in the therapy community, share experiences, and expand your professional network.

What Will You Learn?

  • The history and classifications of drugs, focusing on opioids and more.
  • The physiological and psychological effects of drug use, including addiction’s impact on the brain’s dopamine pathways.
  • How to recognize the signs of drug use and preparation in clients.
  • The language and therapeutic approaches to effectively support clients struggling with addiction.
  • Gain expert training in solution focused questioning and language patterns.
  • The implications of working with clients before and after detox, including managing seizures and understanding the therapeutic relationship’s nuances.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is designed for any professional within the therapy community who seeks to broaden their knowledge and skills in addressing drug-related issues with their clients. Whether you are an SFH practitioner, counsellor, therapist, or mental health professional, this workshop will equip you with the tools and understanding needed to make a meaningful difference in your clients’ lives.

Date of event: July 12, 2024

Duration of Event: 1 day

Venue for event: Zoom

Name of trainer: Adrian Davies and hosted by New Horizon Training

Email bookings: enquiries@newhorizontraining.co.uk

Website: www.newhorizontraining.co.uk/events

Maximum number of participants: 25

Cost of Course: £99

Cost for NCH members: £84.15

How to claim discount: Please use this link to look and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/880938269077?aff=oddtdtcreator

Please use this code for your 15% discount at checkout: nch15

Additional information/requirements: New Horizon Training Ltd is accredited with the CPD Standards Office – a World-Leading CPD Accreditation Service, and we have also been awarded, April 2023, the Provider of Training Excellence award. With this accreditation New Horizon Training offers a great opportunity to help individuals enhance their careers. The Dual accreditation is an award from the Professional Development Consortium, awarded to professional training and learning providers to be recognised as a provider of training excellence with a fully accredited CPD provision.