Bridging Divides: Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Social Change with Trevor Silvester

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The Disconnection from Nature

Both Tracey and Trevor delve into how consumerism has driven a wedge between humans and nature. The conversation meditates on how societal norms have shifted from harmony with our environment to exploitation for convenience and profit. Trevor laments, “We’ve become increasingly reliant on consumer goods, losing touch with the natural world that once grounded us.”

Therapy as Activism

A key point Trevor makes is that therapy can be a form of social activism, a sentiment echoed by Tracey. They agree that empowering individuals through therapy to overcome their “learned unhappiness” not only helps the person but can ripple out into societal change. This becomes especially pertinent in light of recent global movements like Black Lives Matter and strides towards equal pay.

Facing Fears and Biases

A fascinating section of the podcast discusses individuals’ fear of facing their phobias. Trevor shares insightful anecdotes from his police days, explaining how biases must be examined and updated with each new experience. This level of self-awareness and willingness to challenge preconceived notions is crucial for personal growth and societal progress.

The Digital Disconnect

The conversation edges towards the impact of excessive electronic use, particularly among younger generations. Trevor emphasises the need for face-to-face interactions and criticises the commodification of new ideas, even in therapy. He champions the idea of teaching children “okayness” as a default state, a practice supported by many indigenous cultures and rising wilderness schools.

Empowerment and Self-Agency

Reflecting on societal pressures, Trevor and Tracey discuss the concept of an external versus an internal locus of control (Eloc vs. Iloc). Society often instills an Eloc, making people feel powerless over their circumstances. Trevor suggests journaling to shift this mindset towards an Iloc, helping individuals regain control over their lives and combat anxiety and depression.