Search Results "smoking"

Hypnotherapy can help in many ways

Frustrated at your failed diet; your inability to stop smoking; your feeling of being anxious and stressed? For these and many other problems we all face from time to time,…

Obesity in new cancer scare

Cancer is always a worry and in the news and now a report shows that rising levels of obesity and unhealthy weights in the UK could be linked to 670,000…

Join the New Year Resolution revolution

It’s that time of the year when many of us are almost compelled into making vain and futile New Year resolutions – like quitting smoking, eating less, exercising more, drinking…

Weight loss can aid male fertility

Danish researchers have found that a man’s weight affects the information passed on through his sperm and could leave his children predisposed to obesity. Their study, according to the BBC,…

Keep your cool through hypnotherapy

There are many ‘treatments’ for women undergoing menopause and a recent report shows that hypnotherapy can be a very effective way to overcome the effects of menopause – better than…